Camellia and Rachel, huddling. (photo courtesy Evelyn Szczepanek).


Rachel Degler is multi-talented, full of energy, and clearly the most colorful person on any set. She’s a poet, graphic designer, and pole dancer. She is the most terse interviewee I’ve ever come across.

Sue: Rachel, how did we meet?

Rachel: I met you through Elizabeth Stanley at a Berks Bards Open Mic event. You read a poem (I can’t remember if you wrote it or if it was someone else’s) and I loved your delivery. So much, that I asked you to host a new show that I was producing—Kinetic Poetry. It was love ever since. 😀

Sue: Oh yeah, the Gism Chasm poem. Yes, that was mine! And then you did choreography on Princess Dancer. How did you end up being DIT on A Perfect You?

Rachel: I enjoy film and film production. And I offered to help on set as a means to learn more about film production.

Sue: What exactly is a DIT?

Rachel: Digital imaging tech. Responsible for backing up all the electronic film files aka footage.

Sue: What do you see yourself doing on the next shoot?

Rachel: I’m game for anything. I think being on-site in the deep end is the best way to learn!

Sue: What do you consider the “deep end?”

Rachel: Being in the thick of everything and having the challenge of learning things very fast! I find that I learn quicker when I’m hands-on.

Sue: I suspect you will find yourself in the deep end next time. Sink or swim, baby! So tell me what is Kinetic Poetry?

Rachel: Kinetic Poetry is a live performing arts theatrical show featuring slam poets and aerial arts such as pole dance, lyra and silks.

Sue: Are you still doing it?

Rachel: I would like to continue producing it. It is a lot of work to bring a show like that together. But I’ve also started producing another show in Lancaster called Save the Tassels, which is a burlesque show fundraiser for

Sue: Perfect!  And someday I’m going to get over there to see that. Everything you do is fantastic and fun. Can’t wait. Thanks for working on A Perfect You.